Why We Exist
Whether you’re new to church, have been a Christian for many years, or are looking for a fresh start, you’re welcome here. Our hope is to give you a place where you experience a fresh, enjoyable connection to God and a community of people.
We keep our focus simple so we can have the biggest impact possible. Everything we do as a church is filtered through our focus on helping every person live the full life for which God created all of us.
We're here to help people Know God, Find Freedom, Discover their Purpose, and Make a Difference.
Know God
Weekend Services
God wants to know us personally. More than just practicing religion, He wants a relationship with us. Our weekend services are where we focus on that relationship. Whether you're new to faith, have questions or have been a Christ follower for a long time, our services are a safe place to learn more about what it means to know God and grow closer to Him.
Discover Purpose
Growth Track
We're all an important part of God's plan, and our life will never make sense until we discover our purpose. The Crosspointe Growth Track is designed to help us take steps in the important process of discovering our purpose, and there are opportunities to attend weekly at Crosspointe.
Find Freedom
Life Groups
One of the ways God designed for us to live in freedom is to have people in our life to help us in the journey. Connecting with others in Crosspointe Life Groups is a practical and enjoyable way to find that kind of life-changing community.
Make A Difference
Dream Team
This is God's ultimate plan for our life--to make a difference in the lives of others. When we do, the Bible tells us we will experience joy. Through the Crosspointe Dream Team, we hope to connect every person to an opportunity to live out their calling by using their gifts and talents to serve others in the church and the community.
Our Values
Crosspointe’s ten core values explain who we are – our identity. They are the building blocks of our ministry and fully explain why we do what we do. We believe that core values are the constant, passionate, and biblical beliefs that drive our ministry.
Biblical Teaching
We strive to communicate God’s Word with integrity and authority through various means. We want to help all people find Christ and assist believers to mature in Him. We seek to be creative and innovative while staying doctrinally pure. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
Authentic Worship
We value worship that acknowledges God for who He is. We believe that honoring God in our everyday living ultimately fuels our corporate worship experiences. (Romans 12:1)
We believe in providing opportunities and environments that strengthen marriages and families. We are committed to strong children and youth programs; therefore, we emphasize the development and effectiveness of these ministries.(Deuteronomy 6:7, 2 Timothy 1:5)
We believe that prayer is the means by which we communicate with God, and should be the guiding force behind everything that we do. We strive to be a church that is characterized by passionate prayer. (Philippians 4:5-7)
We strive to create opportunities for community and fellowship. We believe that discipleship occurs, servant leaders are developed, and authentic ministry takes place in the context of community. (1 Corinthians 12:25-26)
Cultural Relevance
We believe that we should be creative and innovative in order to effectively communicate God’s Word and connect people to His kingdom. Being creative allows us to be more effective in reaching people with the life-giving message of the gospel.(1 Corinthians 9:19-23)
Lost People
We believe that all people matter to God and that it is our responsibility to reach them through evangelism both locally and globally. We emphasize relational evangelism in order to impact our surrounding community. (Luke 19:10)
Grace Oriented
We emphasize God’s unconditional love, acceptance, and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. We attempt to motivate people through love and thankfulness rather than guilt, shame, and duty. (Romans 6:14)
We believe that excellence honors God and inspires people. Therefore, we are committed to giving our best, to serving with distinction, and to adding value to people’s lives. (Colossians 3:17)
We believe that we should mirror the heart of God in selfless and sacrificial giving by investing our time, skills, and material resources in building the kingdom of God. (Acts 2:44-46)